Pauline Ferrand-Prevot second in Val di Sole

  • 14 Jun 24
  • race Report

Pauline Ferrand-Prevot powered to second at the Val di Sole Short Track in Italy.

Starting from the middle of the bunch, the assured ride from Farrand-Prevot saw her stay out of trouble, consistently hovering in the top five of the bunch in the 10-lap race.

On the final lap, Puck Pieterse would launch a move that could only be followed by the Frenchwoman. Pauline would then respond on the final hill of the lap in an attempt to drop the Dutchwoman, but was unsuccessful. 

In the sprint, ‘PFP’ would dig deep to try to out-punch her opponent, but it was Pieterse who would take the win, with Pauline in second. The result ensures an all-important front row start for Sunday’s XCO race.

IT Flag

Val di Sole

  • 1
    Puck Pieterse
  • 2
    Pauline Ferrand-Prevot
    + 01
  • 3
    Savilia Blunk
    + 05