PFP dominant in Val di Sole

  • 16 Jun 24
  • race Report

Pauline Ferrand-Prévot powered to an impressive win in Val di Sole, taking the victory by 50 seconds on her nearest competitor.

Pauline started the race from the front row, after second place at the Short Track on Friday, and settled into a steady pace in the opening lap.

Emerging from around tenth wheel, the reigning World Champion marked  the first moves at the head of the race, and was fourth after the tricky rock garden.

Then, the Frenchwoman surged to drag herself and two others clear. Two would quickly become one, as only Puck Pieterse could hold her wheel, before 'PFP' surged on the main climb of lap two to drop the European Champion.

Ferrand-Prévot would not look back, putting in a faultless performance to claim the victory.

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Val di Sole

  • 1
    Pauline Ferrand-Prevot
  • 2
    Puck Pieterse
    + 50
  • 3
    Candice Lill
    + 01:13